Boost your Google Exposure using SEO, SEM, and Social Media

Having a website and marketing on the Internet are two different things. You need a website to market on the internet. A website should be designed with your online objectives and the target market in mind.


  Services Plan-1 Plan-2 Plan-3
  Price in INR 3000/month 4000/month 5000/month
Number of Keywords 5 Keywords 10 Keywords 15 Keywords
(Guaranteed Top ranking within 6 months)
  Onpage optimization
Website Analysis Yes Yes Yes
Competitive Analysis No Yes Yes
Keyword Research and Analysis Yes Yes Yes
Meta Tags Creation and Optimization Yes Yes Yes
Content Optimization No Yes Yes
Image Optimization No Yes Yes
Sitemap Creation (Static and Dynamic) Yes Yes Yes
Robots.txt Creation Yes Yes Yes
Google Analytics Setup and Monitoring Yes Yes Yes
  Off-page Optimization
Manual Search Engine Submission Yes Yes Yes
Manual Directory Submission 100 500 1500
Link Exchange (One way + Reciprocal) No 5 10
Article Creation and Submission No
Forum Postings 5 10 15
Social Bookmarking 25 50 100
Blog Creation No Yes Yes
Newsletter Submission No Yes Yes
Video Ad Posting 0 4 10
Clipmark Posting 15 20 30
Classified Ad Posting 5 10 20
Document Submission 5 10 15
RSS Feed Submission 5 10 15
Social networking No Yes Yes
Blog Commenting No Yes Yes
Delivery Time 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months

